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Pegasus Ginga House

 Whelped: 05/12/2004

Pegasus Ginga House -13m




  • V1, CAC, CACIB and BOB from Intermediate class (17 mon.) in CACIB Nis 2006 show (judge M.Marcic, Serbia)
  • V1, CAC and R.CACIB from Intermediate class (16 mon.) in CACIB Natalinci 2006 show (judge N.Nedeljkovic Serbia)
  • V1, CAC, and BOB from open class (21 mon.) in CAC Vlasotince 2006 show (judge M.Marcic, Serbia)
  • V1, CAC and CACIB from Intermediate class (21 mon.) in CACIB Leskovac 2006 show (judge R,Pajic, BIH)
  • V1, CAC from Intermediate class (22 mon.) in BalkanSieger Kragujevac 2006 Speciality Dobermann show (judge Hans Wiblishauser, Germany)
  • V1, CAC and R.CACIB from open class in CACIB Jagodina 2007 show (judge N.Nedeljkovic, Serbia) V1, CAC and BOB in CAC Vranje 2007 show (judge M,Jelenic, Serbia)
  • V1, CAC and R.CACIB in CACIB Nis 2007 show (judge P. Paroci, Serbia) V1, CAC in CAC Batocina 2007 show (judge R. Cekic, Serbia)

5x Youth Winner, 9x CAC, 3x R.CACIB, 2x CACIB, 7x BOB, 1x R. BOG






Nitro del Rio Bianco Nilo del Rio Bianco Nero del Diamante Nero Feldo del Diamante Nero
Quirin del Diamante Nero
Athena del Rio Bianco Sting del Rio Bianco
Hera van Roveline
Farah del Rio Bianco Graaf Quirinus v. Neerlands Stam Hertog Alpha v Le Dobry
Dea Dolores v. Franckenhorst
Sophie del Rio Bianco Ali von Langenhorst
Leila van Roveline
Grey Ginga House Gino Gomez del Citone Astor del Citone Prinz v. Norden Stamm
Tequila Mali del Citone
Arielle d'Amour Del Citone Prinz v. Norden Stamm
Tequila Mali del Citone
Ginga Sawages Gamon di Campovalano Graaf Quirinus v. Neerlands Stam
Mali di Campovalano
Heidy Royal Bell Hargos v.h. Wantij
Karmel Kesia v. Diaspora

Contact us

  • Owner: Lazarevic Ivan
  • Address: Ucitelj Tasina 1/9, 18000 Nis, Serbia
  • Phone: +381 62 433 195
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Website:
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